About this course

Sasaran mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman menyeluruh kepada mahasiswa tentang Information System Strategic Planning. Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat merancang alat bantu analisis dan memformulasikan strategi IS/IT, mengelola organisasi IS/IT, mengukur kinerja IS/IT, dan Mengevaluasi strategi IS/IT.

What you will learn

7233M – Information System Strategic Planning
(S2 / 3 SKS)

Selamat datang peserta pembelajaran Matakuliah Terbuka khususnya untuk matakuliah Information Strategic Planning. Matakuliah Information Strategic Planning wajib diikuti oleh para mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Manajemen Sistem Informasi. Dosen Pengampu matakuliah ini adalah Dr. Ir. Harisno, MM. Sebelum mulai belajar ada baiknya mahasiswa membaca metode pembelajaran, deskripsi mata kuliah, dan capaian pembelajaran agar mahasiswa mendapat gambaran awal mengenai apa Information Strategic Planning itu.

Selamat belajar, semoga sukses.

Dosen Pengampu

Dr. Ir. Harisno, MM

Email: harisharisno@gmail.com

Capaian Pembelajaran

CP 1: Merancang dan memilih alat bantu analisis IS /IT serta memformulasikan strategi

CP 2: Mengelola organisasi IS/IT

CP 3: Mengukur kinerja IS/IT

CP 4: Mengevaluasi strategi IS /IT


Peta Kompetensi dan Peta Program

Sasaran mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman menyeluruh kepada mahasiswa tentang Information System Strategic Planning. Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat merancang alat bantu analisis dan memformulasikan strategi IS/IT, mengelola organisasi IS/IT, mengukur kinerja IS/IT, dan Mengevaluasi strategi IS/IT.


  1. Peran Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Dalam Organisasi: Perspektif Strategis
  2. Ikhtisar Konsep Strategi Bisnis dan Implikasi Strategis IS / IT
  3. Mengembangkan Strategi IS/ IT: Membangun Proses Yang Efektif
  4. Analisis Strategis IS / IT: Menilai dan Memahami Situasi Saat Ini
  5. Analisis Strategis IS / IT: Menentukan Potensi Masa Depan
  6. Menentukan Strategi Sistem Informasi Bisnis
  7. Mengelola Portofolio Aplikasi
  8. Manajemen Strategis IS / IT: Pengorganisasian dan Sumber Daya
  9. Mangelola Investasi Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi
  10. Strategi Manajemen Informasi: Menuju Manajemen Pengetahuan
  11. Mengelola Penyediaan jasa IT, Aplikasi, dan Infrastruktur
  12. Perencanaan Strategis Untuk Sistem Informasi: Quo Vadis?

Komponen Penilaian

Keaktifan dalam forum diskusi         : 15%

Tugas Individu                                 : 20%

Tugas Kelompok                             : 15%

Ujian Tengah Semester                   : 20%

Ujian Akhir Semester                      : 30%

Cara Mempelajari Materi

Mahasiswa diharapkan membaca lecture notes dan bahan ajar lainnya yang telah disediakan, Lanjutkan dengan mengerjakan pre test. Apabila belum memahami secara mendalam silahkan memposting pertanyaan di dalam forum diskusi. Tugas-tugas, baik tugas personal maupun tugas kelompok, wajib dikerjakan. Terakhir mahasiswa mengerjakan post test yang telah disediakan di akhir topik.

Buku Teks

ISBN 0-470-84147-8


Strategic Planning forInformation Systems

Third Edition


Cranfield School of Management,Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK


Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd,Baffins Lane, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 1UD, England

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Tujuan Pembelajaran : 

Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Information system and information technology;
  2. Early views models of IT/IS in organizations;
  3. Early views models and model up to 1980;
  4. The DP and MIS Eras : the lesson learned;
  5. Three era model;
  6. The strategic information system era;
  7. Strategic uses of IS/IT : classification; Factors for success and management implications;
  8. Success factors in strategic information systems;
  9. The management implications;
  10. What is  IS/IT strategic?
  11. The context for IS/IT Strategy; 
  12. Toward a fourth era : an organizational IS capability;

Tujuan Pembelajaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. The evolving nature and strategic planning in organizations
  2. The strategic framework
  3. Strategy implementation
  4. Strategy tools and techniques
  5. A resource-based view strategy

Tujuan Pembelajaran : 

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques  
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy  
  3. Evaluate IS/IT Strategy 

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. The evolution of the IS/IT strategy process: from technology focus to strategic focus  
  2. Approaches to IS/IT strategy development  
  3. Problem and barriers  
  4. The environment of the IS/IT strategy  
  5. The challenges of planning strategically for IS/IT today  
  6. Establishing an IS/IT strategy process 
  7. Purpose and stimuli driving IS/IT strategy development 

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques  
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy  
  3. Evaluate IS/IT Strategy  

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Business re-engineering and IS strategy  
  2. Understanding the current situation  
  3. Interpreting the business strategy  
  4. Examining the current IS/IT environment  
  5. Techniques for interpretation and analysis  
  6. Information requirement to meet the current business objective: the use of critical success factors and balanced scorecard  
  7. Business process analysis  
  8. Organizational modeling  
  9. Evaluating the gap between current and required IS/IT environments 

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques  
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy  
  3. evaluate IS/IT Strategy  

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Aligning the IS/IT investment strategy to business  
  2. Value chain analysis  
  3. The external value chain (industry value chain or value system) 
  4. Information systems and the value chain 
  5. The internal value chain 
  6. Alternative value „configuration‟ models 
  7. The use of value chain analysis 
  8. "Natural" and "contrived" value chains 
  9. Business re-engineering and the value chain 

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques  
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy 

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Strategic planning techniques and their relationship  
  2. Framework in which the tools and techniques and techniques can be used effectively  
  3. Identifying how IS/IT could impact the strategy  
  4. Establishing the relative priorities for IS/IT investment  
  5. Large organizations  
  6. Multiple SBUs and their consolidation

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Manage Organizations IS/IT strategy  

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Conclusions from various matrices and models  
  2. Classifying the application in the portfolio  
  3. Generic applications management strategies  
  4. Portfolio management principles applied to the application portfolio  
  5. Managing application portfolios in multi-units organizations  

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques

  2. Evaluate IS/IT Strategy

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. The strategic management requirement
  2. Organizing strategies for IS/IT management
  3. Framework guiding action
  4. Provisioning of IS/IT resources
  5. Who should manage IS/IT and where should it report?
  6. Coordinating mechanisms for strategic management of IS/IT
  7. Managing the IS function as a bundle of resources
  8. IS/IT competency : the critically of human resource
  9. Managing relationships
  10. Bridging the gap : Improving the contribution of IS function

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Manage Organizations IS/IT strategy  

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Introductions
  2. Investment  and priority-setting Policies
  3. Evaluating IS/IT  Investments
  4. Setting Priorities for Applications
  5. Benefits  Management
  6. The  Benefits Management Process
  7. Assessing and Managing Investment Risks

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques
  2. Measure business IS/IT strategy 

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Information as an Asset: The Senior Management Agenda
  2. An Information Culture
  3. Implementing Business-wide Information Management
  4. The Practice of  Managing the Information Asset
  5. Activities of  IAM
  6. Policies and Implementation Issues
  7. Managing Knowledge Resources

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques
  2. Manage Organizations IS/IT strategy
  3. Measure business IS/IT strategy 
  4. Evaluate IS/IT Strategy

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. IT Service Strategies
  2. Types of IS/IT Service
  3. Application Development and Provisioning  Strategies
  4. Aligning the Development Approach to the Application Portfolio
  5. The Special Case of ’Enterprise Systems’
  6. Strategies for Managing the IT Infrastructure
  7. Linking the IT Infrastructure with the Business Strategy
  8. Justification of Infrastructure Investments
  9. Technology Strategies in a Multi-business Unit Organization
  10. Outsourcing Strategies
  11. Guidelines for outsourcing decisions
  12. Applications Service Providers

Tujuan Pembejaran :

  1. Choose and Design IS/IT Strategy tools and techniques
  2. Manage Organizations IS/IT strategy
  3. Measure business IS/IT strategy 
  4. Evaluate IS/IT Strategy

Terdiri dari sub-topik sebagai berikut :

  1. Introduction
  2. A Brief Resume of Some Key Ideas
  3. IS Strategies formulation and planning in the 1990s
  4. Organization development based on IS/IT
  5. The organizational competencies to manage IS/IT strategically
  6. A business change  perspective of IS/IT
  7. A fourth era : the IS capability
  8. A model linking the IS capability with Is competencies and resources

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To be announced

Course Information

Start Date

13 April 2018

End Date

13 April 2019






10 hours

Enrolled Students





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